I haven't had a green smoothie in awhile, so here it is. 1/2 cup frozen blue berries (blueberries I bought and froze. I don't like buying packaged frozen berries from the freezer aisle), small banana, 2 cups packed baby spinach and 1/2 cup filtered water. No almond milk/ff milk, just water and it tasted really good.
I also made sour bamboo stir-fry. I effing love sour bamboo. The only downside is that it stinks my place up for 3-4 days. One serving white rice 4P+, 1.5 oz diced chicken breast 2P+, 2 servings sour bamboo 0P+, and 1 tsp olive oil 1P+ for a total of 7P+. Photo is taken after I ate half the plate. Sooo good.
I ate 82 pts on Tuesday. I had a chipotle bowl, Jersey Mike's Mini Ham sandwich, and Qdoba 3 cheese nacho salad with chicken. I ate all my points for the day and used up all 49 weekly points, I was actually one point over my daily and weekly points. BUT I stayed on track the rest of the week!! I felt like crashing and burning many, many times throughout the week but I kept it together.
Hello! Where have you been? I'm waiting for more inspiration!